Source code for py_css_styleguide.parser


This parser has been done quickly standing only on cases involved by CSS
manifest syntax so it is very naive and may breaks on everything else.

We assume CSS source only contains supported syntax for manifest, everything
else could break process.

This flaw is tempered by the behavior of parser that ignores rules that
don't start with the manifest prefix, so CSS manifest could contains some
other syntax for non styleguide rules.
from collections import OrderedDict

from tinycss2 import parse_stylesheet
from tinycss2.ast import ParseError as TinyCSS2ParseError

from .nomenclature import RULE_BASE_PREFIX
from .exceptions import ParserErrors

[docs] class TinycssSourceParser(object): """ CSS parser using tinycss2 Since tinycss2 only return tokens, this parser is in charge to turn them to usable datas: a dict of properties for each selector. """
[docs] def digest_prelude(self, rule): """ Walk on rule prelude (aka CSS selector) tokens to return a string of the value name (from css selector). Actually only simple selector and selector with descendant combinator are supported. Using any other selector kind may leads to unexpected issues. Arguments: rule (tinycss2.ast.QualifiedRule): Qualified rule object as returned by tinycss2. Returns: string: Selector name. If it's a descendant combinator, items are joined with ``__``. """ name = [] for token in rule.prelude: if token.type == "ident": name.append(token.value) return "__".join(name)
[docs] def digest_content(self, rule): """ Walk on rule content tokens to return a dict of properties. This is pretty naive and will choke/fail on everything that is more evolved than simple ``ident(string):value(string)`` Arguments: rule (tinycss2.ast.QualifiedRule): Qualified rule object as returned by tinycss2. Returns: dict: Dictionnary of retrieved variables and properties. """ data = OrderedDict() current_key = None for token in rule.content: # Assume first identity token is the property name if token.type == "ident": # Ignore starting dashes from CSS variables name = token.value if name.startswith("--"): name = name[2:] elif name.startswith("-"): name = name[1:] current_key = name data[current_key] = None # Assume first following string or number token is the property value. if token.type == "string": data[current_key] = token.value elif token.type == "number": # Number must be stringified again to ensure proper conversion data[current_key] = str(token.int_value or token.value) return data
[docs] def consume(self, source): """ Parse source and consume tokens from tinycss2. Arguments: source (string): Source content to parse. Returns: dict: Retrieved rules. """ manifest = OrderedDict() rules = parse_stylesheet(source, skip_comments=True, skip_whitespace=True) errors = [ item for item in rules if isinstance(item, TinyCSS2ParseError) ] if errors: error_payload = [ "Line {line} - Column {col} : [{kind}] {msg}".format( line=item.source_line, col=item.source_column, kind=item.kind, msg=item.message, ) for item in errors ] raise ParserErrors( "Unable to parse CSS due to {} parsing error(s)".format(len(errors)), error_payload=error_payload, ) for rule in rules: # Gather rule selector+properties name = self.digest_prelude(rule) # Ignore everything out of styleguide namespace if not name.startswith(RULE_BASE_PREFIX): continue properties = self.digest_content(rule) manifest[name] = properties return manifest
[docs] def parse(self, source): """ Read and parse CSS source and return dict of rules. Arguments: source (string): Source content to parse. Returns: dict: Selectors with their properties. """ return self.consume(source)