
A manifest is a valid CSS3 stylesheet composed of rules.

Even though it is a valid CSS3 stylesheet the purpose of a manifest is not to be published on frontend, only to be parsed from manifest serializer.

Rule format#

A rule is a CSS classes using CSS variables to define rule values:

.styleguide-TYPE-NAME {
    --foo: "foo bar";


Manifest serializer should be able to read CSS property (without the leading --) as variable (with the leading --) in a rule and it should serializes without problem but the manifest file won’t be valid CSS file, you should allways use CSS variable instead of CSS property.

Rule names are normalized such as manifest serializer can parse them:

  • A rule always starts with styleguide, it is called the rule base prefix;

  • Then the rule type that is either metas or reference;

  • Then the rule name that can be whatever you want;

  • Finally all of these parts are joined with character -;


A rule name must be valid in a CSS selector and not contains character - (because it need to be a valid variable name for Python). To divide words inside a name, use _ instead.

Every class selectors that does not start with the rule base prefix are ignored.

Meta rule#

Meta rules is on charge to define some global parameters for manifest serializer.


Historically, PyCssStyleguide has been developed with Libsass which has been superseded with Dart Sass. The latter has changed some syntax behaviors and especially the string quoting.

The default compiler support is for Libsass that is able to compile both behaviors, but Dart Sass is not flexible as well so it is required to inform serializer about compiler behaviors to adopt.

This meta reference is not required, but recommended. If not present the default compiler support is enabled and the manifest serializer will emit a warning message.

To enable Libsass behaviors:

.styleguide-metas-compiler {
    --support: "libsass";

To enable Dart Sass behaviors:

.styleguide-metas-compiler {
    --support: "dartsass";


This required meta defines what references rules to collect or to ignore.

It contains either a variable --names or a variable --auto to enable references. If both of these variables are defined --names is used.

Reference names (both includes and excludes) is a list of names (without rule prefix and prefix type) divided by a single whitespace.

Enable manually

Using --names you will explicitely define a list of reference names to enable, every other non enabled rules will be ignored

.styleguide-metas-references {
    --names: "foo bar";

This will enable only references styleguide-reference-foo and styleguide-reference-bar.


If an enabled reference name does not exist as a CSS rule from manifest this will raises an error.

Enable automatically

Using --auto variable every reference rules will be enabled. The value of this variable is not important as long as it is not empty.

.styleguide-metas-references {
    --auto: "true";

Which will enable every CSS rule starting with styleguide-reference-.

In this mode another variable is watched for, it is excludes which is a list of reference names to ignore:

.styleguide-metas-references {
    --auto: "true";
    --excludes: "reference2 reference3";

This would ignore reference2 and reference3 but will allow every other references.

Reference rule#

Reference rule is on charge to declare your CSS component variables or whatever you want to expose in your styleguide.