
You need a CSS manifest to describe your styleguide references then you will parse the manifest with a Python script to parse and serialize your references.


Sorry these usage samples are made for Libsass compiler, if you plan to use them with Dart Sass compiler you may have some things to adapt, see Migrations for some details.

Create a manifest#

You may write directly a CSS manifest but this is better to build it from a Sass source that will be able to use your project Sass settings, so manifest can be automatically updated on each build.

Usage samples in this documentation will only demonstrate this process using Sass sources.

So in the same directory than your Sass manifest you will copy the Sass mixin library file to _styleguide_helpers.scss. It contains some Sass helpers to ease writing manifest from Sass maps.

Demonstration settings#

We will use some Sass settings for demonstration which Sass manifest will use to create manifest references.

You will create a file _settings.scss in your Sass directory with this content:

$pycssstyleguide-compiler-support: "libsass";

$black: #000000;
$white: #ffffff;
$grey: #404040;

// Palette
// ---------
$palette: (
    "black": $black,
    "white": $white,
    "grey": $grey,

// Schemes colors
// ---------
$schemes-colors: (
    "black": (
        "background": $black,
        "font-color": $white,
    "grey": (
        "background": $grey,
        "font-color": $white,
    "white": (
        "background": $white,
        "font-color": $black,
    "grey-gradient": (
        "background": linear-gradient($white, $white 85%, $grey),
        "font-color": $black,
    "with-image": (
        "background": url("foo/bar.png"),
        "font-color": $black,

$borders: (
    "thin": (
        "size": rem-calc(1px),
        "style": solid,
        "color": white,
    "normal": (
        "size": rem-calc(3px),
        "style": solid,
        "color": white,
    "bold": (
        "size": rem-calc(5px),
        "style": solid,
        "color": black,

// Some background gradients
// ---------
$gradients: (
    "yellow-to-blue-linear": linear-gradient(#f69d3c, #3f87a6),
    "yellow-to-blue-radial": radial-gradient(#f69d3c, #3f87a6 50px),

// Grid cell sizes
// ---------
$grid-cell-sizes: 5 25 33.3333 75 100;

// Space names
// ---------
$spaces: tiny short normal large wide;

// Library version
// ---------
$version: "42.0";

This is basic Sass settings for demonstration purpose and obviously for a real project you will use your own (like from Bootstrap, Foundation or a totally custom one) depending your project.

Manifest loader#

Once you have a CSS manifest you will need to load it as a Manifest model through PyCssStyleguide library, you can use the following Python snippet in a file

from pathlib import Path

from py_css_styleguide.model import Manifest

manifest = Manifest()



And here you go, when executed this basic script will output JSON datas from your manifest.

Note than this sample use Manifest.to_json() for simplicity but you could also use manifest object attributes to reach references rules.

And finally build this Sass file with your prefered libsass compiler. You will get the same CSS manifest from the first section.


For the following samples, you will use the _settings.scss, _styleguide_helpers.scss and files previously cited without changes.