
Development requirements

py-css-styleguide is developed with:

  • Test Development Driven (TDD) using Pytest;
  • Respecting flake and pip8 rules using Flake8;
  • Sphinx for documentation with enabled Napoleon extension (using Google style);
  • tox to run tests on various environments;

Every requirements are available in package extra requirements in section dev.

Install for development

First ensure you have pip and virtualenv packages installed then type:

git clone
cd py-css-styleguide
make install

py-css-styleguide will be installed in editable mode from the latest commit on master branch with some development tools.


Unittests are made to works on Pytest, a shortcut in Makefile is available to start them on your current development install:

make test


To ease development against multiple Python versions a tox configuration has been added. You are strongly encouraged to use it to test your pull requests.

Before using it you will need to install tox, you need to install it:

.venv/bin/pip install tox

Then execute tox:


Tox is a common utility which you may install globally on your system to avoid installing it each time in your virtual environments.


You can easily build the documentation from one Makefile action:

make docs

There is Makefile action livedocs to serve documentation and automatically rebuild it when you change documentation files:

make livedocs

Then go on http://localhost:8002/ or your server machine IP with port 8002.

Note that you need to build the documentation at least once before using livedocs.


When you have a release to do, after you have correctly push all your commits you can use the shortcut:

make release

Which will build the package release and send it to Pypi with twine. You may think to configure your Pypi account on your machine to avoid to input it each time.


  • Every new feature or changed behavior must pass tests, Flake8 code quality and must be documented.
  • Every feature or behavior must be compatible for all supported environment.